The website uses cookies that can be used to provide services to the user.
Some cookies, such as session files, are necessary for the website to function properly,
others may be used by research companies for statistical purposes.

To accept only cookies necessary for the operation of the website, please click the button ACCEPT ONLY NECESSARY COOKIES.

To accept all cookies, please click the ACCEPT ALL COOKIES button.

Cookies policy

Cookies and other similar technologies

The entity posting information in the form of cookies and other similar technologies on the user's device (computer, laptop, smartphone, etc.) and accessing them are and entities cooperating with us, e.g. partners providing IT and analytical services, application developers, advertising agencies .

Cookies are IT data, in particular text files, which are stored in the end device of the website user. Cookies usually contain the domain name of the website they come from, their storage time on the end device and a unique number. Cookies are not used to identify the user, on their basis the user's identity is not determined.

The website may place cookies in the browser if the browser allows it. The browser allows the website to access only cookies placed by this website, and not to files placed by other websites.

We use cookies for the purposes of:

adapting the content of websites and applications to the User's preferences and optimizing the use of websites
creating statistics that help to understand how Users use websites and applications
maintaining the User's session after logging in, thanks to which the User does not have to re-enter the login and password on each subpage of a given website and application
presentation of advertisements in a way that takes into account the User's interests and with the guarantee of excluding the possibility of multiple presentations of the same advertisement to the User
Due to the lifetime of cookies and other similar technologies, we use two basic types of these files

session temporary files stored on the User's end device until logging out, leaving the website and application or turning off the software
permanent - stored in the User's end device for the time specified in the cookie file parameters or until deleted by the User.
Due to the purpose, we use the following types:

necessary for the operation of the service and application enabling the use of our services
files used to ensure security, e.g. used to detect fraud in the field of authentication
performance - enabling the collection of information on how websites and applications are used
functional - enabling remembering the settings selected by the User and personalizing the user interface, e.g. in terms of the selected language or region from which the user comes from, font sizes, etc.
advertising - enabling the provision of advertising content to users more tailored to their interests
statistical - used to count statistics on websites and applications.
Other technologies

To ensure the convenience of using our websites, we use Local Storage (LS) technology, similar in principle to cookies, but with slightly different properties. LS is a separate part of the browser's memory, used to store data saved by websites. It can only be accessed by a website operating on the same website from which the data was saved, however, unlike in the case of cookies, they are not sent by the browser each time the server is accessed. The data in LS is stored by the browser for a long time and is not deleted when the browser is closed, nor does it have a specific validity period. We emphasize that we do not use this technology to track or identify users, but only for convenience and to provide services at the highest level. We use LS technology to remember your settings.

Browser settings management

In many cases, the software used for browsing websites by default allows the storage of information in the form of cookies and other similar technologies in the user's end device. However, the user can change these settings at any time. Failure to make changes means that the above-mentioned Information may be posted and stored on his end device, and thus we will store information on the user's end device and access this information. From the level of the web browser used by the user, it is possible to independently manage cookies.